
The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face

"Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we're going to go to Home Depot.
Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that.
Maybe Bed, Bath, and Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time"
Frank the Tank - Old School.

This Saturday (yesterday if you want to get technical) ended up being a pretty nice little Saturday for us.

I got up nice and early and headed to a boot-camp with Alex. It is exactly the thing I need cause there is no chance that I would do a circuit that includes push-ups on medicine balls for 1 minute on my own.
It is no secret that I need someone to boss me around when it comes to a work out so this was right up my alley!

Next I got picked up on the side of the highway and John and I headed to the Hammer to visit a bunch of peeps.

1st stop was his mom and step-dads place then on to his sisters for a visit with her family.

We had not seen her girls in a while.
The girlies were very excited to see us as was their large dog so there was a bit of barking and commotion when we first arrived. John had brought them each a book so with little pause he was reading Horton Hatches the Egg. Alivia, the youngest got a bit bored of this half way through and asked me if I wanted to see her room.
I did!
When we go up there she showed me about 50 things in 3 minutes and then asked me if I wanted to go back down stairs.
I did.

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention about the dog Elvis is, that for whatever reason this visit he had a muscle or tendon or something disgusting and bloody popping out of his tear duct and completely exposed. Of course he would not stop following me around with it. Poor thing I know but I was seconds from puking or passing out if I saw it came at me one more time.

(Side note: As I get older I have become extremely squeamish and have a hard time even hearing about blood or cuts or anything to that nature. I used to watch the operation channel while eating dinner. I even once ate a chicken dinner during the 'butt eating' scene from Alive. I am not sure what happened to me but as I write this story about the dogs eye I am feeling mighty faint. So that was the readers digest version)

It was a nice visit filled with crafts, laughs, tears, tantrums and tendons.

When I took the photo above of Livi she wanted to use my phone to take some photos of her own.
It was really interesting to see a glimpse into what a 3 year old sees.
There were many, but here are some of the highlights:

* For your sake I wish she had of taken one of the pulsating dog eye, but I must admit I was relieved to not see that in my library.*

After we left their place, we headed to our friend's (Mike and Ali) for some dinner and games.
They have a 1 year old Foster who is super adorable.
(no picture, cause I took one with my fisheye camera that is in the process of being developed)
Once he went to bed we made 2 pizzas on some serious crusts.

They were delicious.

After dinner was games. Cranium WOW was the game of choice.
They had a brand spanken new one and we realized quick that it was an unmarked Canadian edition.
We had questions about SCTV, You Can't Do That On Television, Mr. Canoehead, Nardwuar, Ogopogo and so mush more Canadian hilarity.
I was even able to get Ali to guess Mukluks from this...

It was a long day, but nice to see everyone.
We stayed home on Sunday.

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