
Keep Fit & Have Fun

In an effort to not freak out /go on a war path / crawl under my blankets and never come out due to the 'wonderful' dusting, nay dumping, of snow we got yesterday I tackled a Hot Yoga class this evening with my new friend Alex.

A new studio just opened up next door to my work and they were offering free classes for their opening week (last day today). I am proud to say I took them up on 4.
That's right, I have successfully done a yoga class a day for 4 days.
And I must admit I feel taller, more limber and quite sore.

Monday: Hatha Yoga Level 1 60 min
Tuesday: Pilates Level 1 60 min
Wednesday: Lunch Time Vinyasa Flow Yoga Level 1-2 45 min
Thursday: Hot Hatha Flow 60 min

FYI: #13 is my favorite & #22 makes me want to throw up.
Fun Game: Try saying the names of #8 & #10 five times fast!

All this goes to show is that I am driven when things don't cost any money. If all athletics were free or I had an endless amount of money I like to think I would be in fantastic shape.
That is very easy to say, but who the hell knows cause neither of these scenarios will ever happen.

Alex and I are on a roll of free or discounted first times at a few yoga studios. The only down side is having to fill out a waiver each time. But filling out your name, address and medical history is a piece of cake!

Exercise is not something that comes natural to me in the slightest and I can safely say I have quite almost all forms of gym you can name.
Curves? Tried it. Quit.
Ballet Boot Camp? Tried it. Quit.
Personal Trainer? Tried it.
Way too expensive.
Gave me personal work outs.

But I am now at the stage in my life that I know I MUST stay active or I will not like the outcome. It is so strange how you can almost pin point the day that your body turns on you.
Not that I ever treated my body like garbage, but I would make bad decisions and my arms would stay the same size. Now, not so much.

Now that people actually know about this blog and I feel the pressure of people I know and admire reading it I want to put it out there that I am going to stick to this 'Taking care of myself' thing.

I am not declaring that I am now a Yogi and will manage my chakras and all that jazz, but all I am owning up to is staying active.
That means Cardio, and lots of it.
Making it fun.
Making it something I want to do.

It would be stellar if the weather would help me out on this, but in the mean time I will do all my 'ings' indoors.

Who's with me?
(I just might need your help!)

You know what they say!

1 comment:

steph said...

i'm totally with you bek. i started yoga this week too. high five.

now, i know this blog promises funny pictures so where the hellsinki is that picture of the REAL hal and joanne. you know what i'm talking about.