
Day 4 - Old Habits Die Hard

Day 04 - A habit that you wish you did not have

I Twirl / Play with and in turn pull out my hair.
It is something I don't even notice I do until it's too late and I am left holding strands of my own hair with nowhere to dispose of them.

I am not pulling it out at it's root or anything. It's not stress. It's just something I have always done.

I've done it since I got hair when I was 5! I guess being bald for so many years makes you real excited to play with your hair once you get it. I guess I still to this day can't believe I even have hair!
It's simple really, I take a lovely lock, around my index finger twirl it a bit flip it to my middle finger, lather, rinse, repeat!

It get's people I live with pretty riled up let me tell you.

I also have a bad habit of throwing the hair on the ground, which if you are outside doesn't make a difference but when you are inside can accumulate quite quickly.

Which leads me to another bad habit of being really bad at sweeping up the hair.

Ok, ok I have many bad hair habits. I admit it. Sorry Mom and Jim. Sorry John. Sorry all past Roomies.
I just do it so often that if I ran to the garbage each time I would never leave.
I think you can't see my hair and it magically vanishes into thin air. Another reason why blondes have it so much easier.

I will try to be better at finding somewhere proper for each individual strand that end up with in my hand.

If anyone reading this has any creative suggestions on how to prevent or deal with any of these steps I would love to hear them. I can't be alone in this one can I?

Note: I am also very excited about saving the next post for when I get back from my trip to London England!
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been to...Coming Soon!

1 comment:

debbe Shannon said...

I love that you twirl...you always have...then you met Johyn and he twirled too...so cute...I miss you twirling...I want to hear from you...I love you.
Mom xoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxo