
Photo a Day...

I think I'm going to try this!
I know I've said this before and never followed through, but photos are easier right????


See...I am obsessed

When I was downloading the Robyn song on iTunes I came across these adorable girlies from Sweden covering the song.

The video is so cute and well done.
I just feel bad for the blond at the end who gets left hanging.

This is the last video I promise!

Current Obsession

I saw Robyn perform on SNL a while back and was surprised at how much I enjoyed her performance because the song and her style was not something that I would typically have thought I would have been interested in.

She basically recreated her music video as best she could on stage (with her semi-summersault and all)

It's pretty uptempo, I dare you to try to listen to it and not want to dance around your house!


Obsession extended

Taran Killam, from SNL recreates the Robyn video to a T.
Someone cleverly ran them at the same time and it is so bang on.
That must not have been easy. It must have been especially hard to find a fun fur crop top to match!


Halloween / Family Traditions

Last night was a super fun Halloween Party at Madeleine and Ryan's place.

John and I decided to follow in the footsteps of my Mom and Dad and do the ol' switcharoo.

Turns out dressing up as one another is the following:
1. Super Easy
2. Cheap
3. Hilarious
4. Uncomfortable for your friends at the party
5. Confusing for people who don't know you at the party

Here is the before...

Here is the after...

Things you find out about your partner when he dresses up as you:
1. He has nicer legs than you
2. He had longer eyelashes than you
3. There is nothing feminine about him (thank goodness)
4. He's a great sport
5. You kiss each other way less



Another Thing about Earphones....

I think that people who don't like the Beatles must have only ever heard them while they were listening to earphones but only had a bud in one ear.

match in da gastank boom boom

I don't do many impressions, but my Arnie from What's Eating Gilbert Grape is pretty spot on if I do say so myself.
I don't want to brag, but it's one of John's favs.

This is the best clip I can find, and it doesn't even show how physical it can get.

Don't know what I am talking about? Next time you see me I'll show you.

Tune De Jour

Whenever I listen to this song on my earphones, the beginning makes me feel like my eyes are darting side to side following the beat. It is a very strange sensation. I can only imagine how funny it would be to watch me if that is actually what I am doing!

But seriously. How kick ass is this song? Pretty kick ass if you ask me.

I like that CSI used classic rock for their theme songs just fine, but I wish they didn't use this one.
I wish they had of just left Baba alone.

Enjoy the tune of the day!


Day 4 - Old Habits Die Hard

Day 04 - A habit that you wish you did not have

I Twirl / Play with and in turn pull out my hair.
It is something I don't even notice I do until it's too late and I am left holding strands of my own hair with nowhere to dispose of them.

I am not pulling it out at it's root or anything. It's not stress. It's just something I have always done.

I've done it since I got hair when I was 5! I guess being bald for so many years makes you real excited to play with your hair once you get it. I guess I still to this day can't believe I even have hair!
It's simple really, I take a lovely lock, around my index finger twirl it a bit flip it to my middle finger, lather, rinse, repeat!

It get's people I live with pretty riled up let me tell you.

I also have a bad habit of throwing the hair on the ground, which if you are outside doesn't make a difference but when you are inside can accumulate quite quickly.

Which leads me to another bad habit of being really bad at sweeping up the hair.

Ok, ok I have many bad hair habits. I admit it. Sorry Mom and Jim. Sorry John. Sorry all past Roomies.
I just do it so often that if I ran to the garbage each time I would never leave.
I think you can't see my hair and it magically vanishes into thin air. Another reason why blondes have it so much easier.

I will try to be better at finding somewhere proper for each individual strand that end up with in my hand.

If anyone reading this has any creative suggestions on how to prevent or deal with any of these steps I would love to hear them. I can't be alone in this one can I?

Note: I am also very excited about saving the next post for when I get back from my trip to London England!
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been to...Coming Soon!